How To Send A File To initiate a file transfer one of the following can be done: 1) Using the drag and drop feature, simply drag-and-drop a file you wish to send to a remote location on to the icon of the Focus TeleContact. 2) Pressing the SEND button in the main window. 3) Selecting the Send File menu item from the File menu. After the file transfer process has been initiated, a standard open file dialog appears which allows the user to navigate through the available hard disks and network servers to select the desired file. After user has located the desired file, pressing the SEND button in the open file dialog would select the file, close the dialog, and begin preparing the file for transfer. If the you wishes to cancel the file transfer at this point, use the CANCEL button. Clicking the CANCEL button would remove the file transfer command from the queue, reset the modem, and return the TeleContact to the IDLE state. Upon completion of the selection process, a second dialog would be displayed requiring the phone number to use for dialing the remote system. This dialog consists of a text field in which the phone number is entered. If the call is long distance or to a foreign country, all appropriate access and area codes must be entered here (i.e. in the United States a long distance number would be something like: 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX). All blank spaces and dashes are ignored by the TeleContact application when dialing the entered phone number. Therefore, user can use these characters to make the phone number more readable. Optionally, the user may choose to search in all available phone books for the desired phone number. Choosing the LOOK IN PHONE BOOK button in the destination dialog would activate the on-line phone book. After the user has located the desired number in the phone book dialog pressing the SELECT button in that dialog would return the program to the destination dialog and place a copy of the selected phone number in phone number field. After the phone number is entered either manually or is selected from the phone book, pressing the OK button would cause the TeleContact application to dial the remote system specified by the phone number and begin the file transfer process. After the transfer is completed, TeleContact would close all appropriate file, reset the modem, and return to the idle state.